Raven-Symone’, Watermeloandrea, Wylecia, and Sweet Sweet Karma!

Last Thursday, October 8, 2015 to be exact, Cliff Huxtable’s favorite grandbaby, took yet another step away from our endearing hearts. In her latest formation, as the spunky Raven-Symone’, our deares Olivia outraged the interwebs by uttering the following during a discussion regarding racial assumptions based on names, “I’m not about to hire you if […]

Raven-Symone’, Watermeloandrea, Wylecia, and Sweet Sweet Karma! Read More »

Why Would a Community focused Organizing Group Venture Into the World of Peer-Review Journalism?

Once upon a time, many years ago, I was at a meeting of organizers, academicians, and theologians and asked, what is that we (the organizers) needed from the others. My response was “paper.” The thinking behind my one word response is based upon a very realistic view of the world we live in versus the

Why Would a Community focused Organizing Group Venture Into the World of Peer-Review Journalism? Read More »

Black People Had the Power – They WERE Failed

Charles E. Cobb Jr., former Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) field secretary, recently wrote a very good article “Black people had the power to fix the problems in Ferguson before the Brown shooting. They failed (http://wapo.st/1DtwxSV).” While Mr. Cobb makes some excellent points regarding the Civil Rights Movement as it relates to the events that

Black People Had the Power – They WERE Failed Read More »